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    Cebu City IMS Academy IMS Advantage Learning support services Accreditation Location

    Accreditation & Partnership

    ABOUT IMS Accreditation & Partnership

    IMS Academy is certified English language education center accredited by the Philippines government.

    Philippines Bureau of Immigration
    IMS Academy is officially approved by the Bureau of Immigration to accept foreign students and issue Special Study Permit (SSP).
    Philippines Department of Education
    IMS Academy is registered to Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), an organization in affiliation with Department of Education.
    Philippines Cebu City
    IMS Academy is approved by Cebu City to operate the school in the city.
    Australia IDP IELTS
    IDP is a global institute with 75 branched in 29 countries all over the world. The institute conducts international English proficiency exams and serves as overseas studies agency.
    Through its subsidiary company IELTS Australia, it conducts International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
    Cebu Benedicto College
    Benedicto College was established by Francisco L. Benedicto who served as an ambassador in Korea and is a large education foundation with good reputation in the Philippines. With various courses such as management, nursing, computer education, English education, the school is hosting many Korean students and IMS Academy is the official language center of the college. IMS students can attend lecture at the college.
    Canada Sprott-Shaw College
    Established in 1903, Sprott Shaw College is popular among the students who consider immigration to Canada. It is well-known for the Hospitality, Business and Marketing Education and IMS academy students can apply for Diploma course with IMS certificate (certified English proficiency exam score not required).
    Philippines Department of Education
    TESDA certification
    Sanitary permit Philippines Bureau of Immigration
    SSP certification
    Business Permit