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    Procedures Checklist Terms & Conditions


    ADMISSION Checklist
    STEP 1.Passport STEP 2.Visa STEP 3.Flight Ticket / Insurance
    Your passport should be valid for more than six months to enter Philippines. You can stay up to 30 days without visa; 30 days extension is available monthly. You need return ticket to enter Philippines – make sure the name on the passport and the ticket match.
    Students must notify IMS academy the flight schedule to confirm the airport pick-up schedule
    Students are responsible for own medical incidents; IMS academy recommends our students to purchase insurance beforehand
    STEP 4.Check the list of personal needs
    • Essential Items
      Passport Check six-month validity of the passport, Keep the photocopy of the passport
      Flight Ticket (Round trip) Check the date, time, route and the spelling of name
      Photo 6 identification photos (for the ID card and SSP) – pictures can be taken after the arrival at the cost of 85~100 pesos
      International Debit Card International debit card with Cirrus / Plus logo will enable the students to use the local ATM (processing fee 200 pesos charged)
      Insurance Document Check the expiration date, Keep the photocopy
    • School Supplies
    • Clothing Items
    • Other necessities
    STEP 5. Currency Exchange STEP 6.Departure STEP 7. Arrival
    It is recommended to bring US Dollar and then exchange to pesos at local banks or money exchange.
    Also, it is recommended to use international debit card for convenience purpose.
    It is recommended to arrive the airport two hours prior to departure. Arrival and immigration at Mactan-Cebu International Airport → Luggage pick-up → Customs → Go to IMS pick-up location and meet IMS staff → Arrival at the campus

    How to registration E-Travel