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    Level System ESL ESL Special Course TOEIC IELTS Undergraduate Preparation Family Program



    1. If you want to focus on a particular skills, such as improving your speaking fluency or boosting your reading comprehension, the course can be tailored to your specific needs.

    2. Listening comprehension strategies it focuses on understanding main ideas, details, inferences, and tone. Goal is to assess your ability to understand spoken English in a variety of business contextx. (e.g., meetings, phone calls, announcement)

    3. Building confidence in speaking by developing your ability to speak clearly and naturally in a business context. Pronunciation and fluency practice.

    4. Reading comprehension strategies are skimming, scanning, understanding main ideas and details. Goal is to evaluate your ability to understand written English, such as business emails, advertisements and reports.

    5. Goal in Writing is to evaluate your ability to produce written communication in business context. Organizing your ideas logically, using clear and precise language.


    Available for the student that has zero ideas to level 2
    This course is specifically designed to help learners build the foundational skills necessary to perform well on the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) exam. The aim is to prepare students for the listening and reading comprehension components of the test, as well as the speaking and writing tasks that may be included in extended TOEIC preparation courses.

    · TOEIC

    The TOEIC Course is designed primarily for people whose native language is not English and who need to assess their English skills for work or academic purposes. This course is widely recognized by companies, universities , and governments around the world as a benchmark for Engish proficiency in business settings.


    Typically a more intensive program designed to ensure that students achieve a specific score or improve their TOEIC performance within a set period. These courses often come with a “guarantee” of a score increase, or the student may be offered extra support if they do not meet the target score. The ultimate goal of such a course is to provide focused, results-oriented preparation for the TOEIC exam.

    Numbe of Class Types of Class Subject / Content
    1 Morning Class Intensive guided lesson for the macro skills as well as grammar and vocabulary
    4 Man To Man English Integration
    Comprehensive Reading
    TOEIC Grammar
    Writing and Speaking
    4 Group Class TOEIC Reading
    TOEIC Listening
    Expressions (Native)
    2 Night Class TOEIC Exercise and Review / Phone Interview Practice
    TOEIC Numbe of Class Types of Class Subject / Content
    1 Morning Class Intensive guided lesson for the macro skills as well as grammar and vocabulary
    4 Man To Man TOEIC Vocabulary
    Comprehensive Reading
    TOEIC Grammar
    Writing and Speaking
    4 Group Class TOEIC Reading Part 5 and 6
    TOEIC Reading Part 7
    TOEIC Listening
    Expressions (Native)
    2 Night Class TOEIC Exercise and Review / Phone Interview Practice
    Numbe of Class Types of Class Subject / Content
    1 Morning Class Intensive guided lesson for the macro skills as well as grammar and vocabulary
    4 Man To Man TOEIC Vocabulary
    Comprehensive Reading
    TOEIC Grammar
    Writing and Speaking
    4 Group Class TOEIC Reading Part 5 and 6
    TOEIC Reading Part 7
    TOEIC Listening
    Expressions (Native)
    2 Night Class TOEIC Exercise and Review / Phone Interview Practice
    Target Score TOEIC 600 TOEIC 700 TOEIC 800 TOEIC 900
    Benchmark School Admission TOEIC 400 TOEIC 500 TOEIC 650 TOEIC 800
    Benefits 12 weeks : 1 Official TOEIC Test, 24 weeks : 2 Official TOEIC Test, 36 weeks : 3 Official TOEIC Test
    Conditions Minimum 12-week course registration, minimum 95% attendance rate, 100% mock test attendance.
    - Failure to meet the guarantee class conditions if the previous mock test score is not maintained more than twice.
    - Failure to meet the guarantee class conditions if you receive two warnings.
    - Unable to change course after course started.
    - If you can’t get the target score even all the conditions above are met, tuition fee will be exempted until the student get the target score. (the student is responsible for dormitory fee)
    Starting Date
    Of The Course
    Starting the course 10 weeks before the official IELTS exam in Cebu, Philippines